Monday 17 February 2014

Our trip to the vet

My feline friend that we have had for 5 whole years got bitten by a dog. Skoli as we affectionatly call him(Im pretty sure his name is like Bob or Tom to his friends) aparently ran into the house and our neighbour came running after him explaining to my mother what had just happened. Its approximately 6pm and my mother is literally flying into my room

Mom(crying): TABASSUM!!! THE DOG BIT SKOLI!!!!
ME: (Very calmly) Ok mom...where is he now?

I honestly prepared myself for the worst as this women was super hysterical so I walked slowly telling myself that I was a nurse, whatever it is that i was going to see, surely i have seen worse. Skoli was hiding himself under a table. Trembling. My brother and I managed to get him out and put him into a box. Everyone hopped into the car and headed for the local SPCA but being sunday and all obviously it was closed. So everyones phones got out. Googling and phoning the nearest vets. All SPCA's were closed and the only option we had left was to go private.

We head home, to leave my hysterical mother at home and dad takes us to the vet. So its my dad, my brother and his friend and at the back of the bakkie, Skoli and I are having our own conversation. At one point he starts Super-Hyper ventilating and I cant help but have my own tears roll down my face.He got all weak and  I felt like i was losing him. then and there. And I wasnt emotionally prepared for his.
We finally get to the vet after what seemed like forever and I head inside as if it were the trauma unit at the hospital I used to work at. I had to fill in forms first. (SERIOUSLY??? WOMAN MY CAT JUST GOT BITTEN! I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR DAMN FORMS!) so I very graciously filled out all the paper work and we waited like 30 minutes before we got a doc. Aparently there were lots of medical emergencies today

I can honestly say being in that waiting area was fun. Being an animal lover I was surrounded by so many different types. I saw pets come in for check ups, or bad tummy's and the most perfect dog ive ever seen was diagnosed with a disease, infact he threw up there right infront of us. My brother started getting uneasy so he walked out. So it was just Skoli and I waiting... So much waiting.

Eventually we got a doctor (a very cute doctor...Dammit, i shouldve brushed my hair before I came)...Anyway, He said he wouldnt be able to do anything unless Skoli was sedated so we agreed to that went back to the waiting room. And 2minutes later the doctor was back (uh-oh this cant be good). He then explains that Skoli needs x-rays before he can sedate him. It appeared that the bite punctured one of Skoli's lungs causing it to collapse. So alot of gas has entered it. Also its risky to sedate him at this point because he only has 1 lung supporting him now.
So at this point we have two options:
Have everything done now and have him stay the night to monitor him (R2670)
Have him stay the night to be monitored(R1000) and then have him transferred to the SPCA and have everything done almost free.

I go outside and discuss it with my dad and stand in admiration as he says "Just tell them to carry on"
After waiting another 20 minutes the vet comes out and says they going to have to keep Skoli just to be safe.
It just goes for 10pm at this point. The vet keeps assuring me that Skoli is in good hands...but it feels so weird not bring him home with us. (if this is what its like with kids: i dont want  any). We are told that we'll get a phonecall in 2-3 hours for a status update.

Now, 1239873 hours later (16hours actually) Skoli is back home. Limping and weak. But getting better.

Also on another note while waiting for him they were selling personalized Dog chains...and one of the options was Spongebob... So yea, I now have a chain that im aparently going to use for my future or imaginary dog :)

Also to all pet owners: Please get your pets medical aid. You never know when an emergency might happen.

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