Saturday 2 August 2014

Dear Body: This is an apology

I'd like to start by saying I owe you an apology for so many things.

 I'm sorry for always covering you up and not accepting you.
 I'm sorry for the times I stand in front of the mirror and curse you.
 I'm sorry for when I used to tell you that no guy would look at or want me because of you.
 I'm sorry  that I keep cutting my hair every time you try and let it grow.
I'm sorry I torture you when I go threading in an attempt to make you look prettier.
I'm sorry I make you go through extreme measures to get rid of excess unwanted hair. 
I'm sorry I wear closed shoes all the time because I don't like your toes.
I'm sorry for blaming you for me not being able to shop where I want to.
I'm sorry for buying you sexy lingerie so seldom.
I'm sorry for starving you every time I felt too fat.
 I'm sorry I let other peoples comments about you affect how I feel about you.
I'm sorry for wearing colour contacts because I thought it would make my eyes look better.
I'm sorry for constantly dying my hair.
I'm sorry for abusing you when indulging in Narcotics.
I'm sorry I eat too much of the wrong things.
I'm sorry for starting things and then quitting.
I'm sorry for all the extra work you have to go through every time I light a cigarette.
I'm sorry for comparing you to those girls in the magazine.
I'm sorry for not making time to pamper you on a daily basis. Which is what you deserve. 
I'm sorry for never sticking to a diet to make you healthier.
I'm sorry I put you under so much pressure.
I'm sorry for blaming you for all my insecurities.
I'm sorry for feeling intimidated because you weren't as pretty as her. 
I'm sorry i don't tell you how beautiful you are.
I'm sorry I don't give you enough sleep.

Im sorry it took me so long to realise how precious you are and how lucky I am to have you. I need you to know that I appreciate you even the quirks I used to hate. Its taken me this long to not take heed of what others had to say about you and just love you unconditionally. To love US unconditionally. I should have loved you from the start as much as most things I love. (Sushi and Skittles being on top of the list.) 
Although there are still things we need to sort out, I love you. Every inch of you, Just the way you are.




  1. :'( this is touching! Think it's about time I spoke to my body too....
    awesome piece over here!

  2. Aaaaah Yomi. See i told You are too cool. Thank u for reading and commentng. I agree. Its time we take stock of our perfect imperfections :)

  3. This was such a refreshing read. Why the hell do we do that to ourselves urgh! You've got me thinking! Thank you for opening my eyes x

  4. people like you make it worth it. Happy loving your body :) xo

  5. Very powerful! We really don't appreciate our bodies enough!

    Thanks for the comments on my blog :) Much appreciated!


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