Wednesday 20 August 2014

50 random facts about myself

1. I blink too much.(But I totally kickass in staring competitions)
2. I love Cooking and Baking even though I tell people I don't.
3. I swear too much.
4. I suck at parallel parking.
5. I hate clowns.
6. I caused my mother fetal distress as the cord was wrapped around my neck. (Twice!).
7. I wrecked a museum carpet with my crushed Lays Chips when I was 5.
8. I have the biggest girl crush on Katrina Kaif.
9. But my biggest crush in life is Emraan Hashmi
10. I get scared easily yet love horrors.
11. Im claustrophobic.
12. I hate Goodbyes.
13. Im super impulsive.
14. I will throw the nearest thing to me at you when you piss me off.
15. On that note, im pissed off easily.
16. I cry way too easily.
17. Im unfortunately a great listener.
18. But I also talk too much.
19. I love giving.(more than I should)
20. I live for sushi.
21. I have 4 piercings...
22. I absolutely love trying out new things.
23. I get satisfaction out of opening new things/ packaging.
24. I buy unnecessary things and don't even use it most of the time. Compulsive shopper.
25. I go crazy when I see Sales and red stickers. Like I dont even care what it is.
26. Im not afraid to tell people what I think of them.
27.I dont eat Paw-paw or guava's.
28. Im addicted to social media.
29. I have impressive investigating skills.
30. Avocado pear on everything!
31. I suck at saving money.
32. According to my friends and family, my idea of the perfect guy is weird.
33. I cant sleep in silence.
34. I sleep best in a moving vehicle.
35. I hate my arms and toes.
36. I can never stick to a diet.
37. Apparently I make an awesome pillow.
38.I wash my hair every single day.
39. I try ignoring people but it makes me feel terrible so i end up talking to them anyway.
40. If im done with someone, chances are you wont hear from me unless you make the first move.
41.My singing skills are pretty decent.
42. Im a hopeless romantic.
43. Id take a book over a movie any day.
44. I find the need to add chillies to everything.
45. I have a weakness for cards. (Seriously my purse cant deal anymore).
46. Coffee Shakes are my favourite.
47. Planning events are my thing.
48. I expect too much.
49. I love writing.
50. I would pause whatever I was doing to watch an episode of Sponge bob.

Let me know if you think of anything that you think is random and that I should add to the list. Also, make a list of your own and send me the link :)

Smiley Face,

1 comment:

  1. loooooool guece we both have one thing in common.....spongebob


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