Thursday 14 August 2014

The Liebster Award

Hello my doves :)
Hope you are all well.

Recently I was nominated the Liebster award by the lovely Hera over at the Hello Hera blog. So thank you Hera, that was very kind of you! (do check out her blog its so fab!)

"Liebstar" apparently means "sweetest", "kindest", "dearest" etc, how cute! It is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers who have less than 200 followers!

As part of the award, I must write 11 random facts about myself, nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers, answer 11 questions from the blogger who has nominated me, and also ask 11 questions to those who I've nominated.

Here goes:

11 random facts about me:

1. My pinky fingers are crooked.
2. I get easily attached.
3. Im the family Rebel.
4. I have a weakness for Sales.
5. I get bored really easily.
6. I actually really suck at blogging
7. I could sleep for days.
8. I am currently obsessed with Sushi.
9. I tend to give up too easily.
10. I love answering questions.
11. I am madly inlove with Emraan Hashmi.

Hera's questions to me:

What was the last thing you ate? 
     Salmon crunches from Nuri Sushi Factory
Long nails or short nails?
    Short. Long is so unhygienic and i have a hand washing OCD
What time is it right now?
    5.01 pm
When was the last time you went on holiday and where?
   Gosh! I cant remember! My last real holiday was 3years ago to Johannesburg 
Favourite Disney film?
Any pets?
   a cat, Skoli
How long have you been blogging for?
   Next week will be a year since my blog has been created! (21st August *note to self)
How long was your longest break from blogging? Hours? Days? etc
   about 5days
What colour is your hair?
 Favourite scent/smell?
   The smell of freshly printed money(jokes!) the smell of My Salmon crunches...Duh!
Your biggest achievement?
   A year of Nursing

Now I'd like to present this award to :

Here's the 11 questions I want the nominees to answer:
  1. Who do you most admire?
  2. Why did you start blogging?
  3. How did you come up with your blog name and is there a meaning behind it?
  4. What do you want to achieve through your blog?
  5. What do you find most difficult about blogging?
  6. What's the one thing you really want to do, but don't think you'll be able to?
  7. If, for some reason, you had to immediately leave your home forever, what is the one item you'd take with you?
  8. What is your faveourite book?
  9. Pet peeve?
  10. Do you have any bad habits?
  11. What is your must have beauty product?
(Actually taken from amuslimahslittleblog as it.)

Thank you again for the nomination Hera.
Stay Smiling,



  1. Yay! you're a cat person too! And I'm obsessing over Frozen too these days! Great to get to know you a little better :-) Good luck -x- And you're welcome love -x-


Thank you for reading. Do leave a comment and let me know what you think. Be sure to leave your blogsites and ill be sure to check them out :)