Sunday 2 March 2014

The popcorn maker

The popcorn maker

Since I can remember I have always been a popcorn lover.
And whats not to love about it?
 No movie is complete without popcorn and a Slush anyway.

So we decided to head over to Clicks and purchase the Popcorn maker. I think it was the box that attracted me more than the actual machine itself. Seriously, pretty packaging always gets to me. So I come home super excited to try the new device out. 

It’s small and so adorable and comes with a small measuring spoon. You plug it in. Put it on and you ready to go. Easy right? I thought so too.
It requires absolutely NO oil. (Yaaaaaaaay for being healthy) so I put in some kernels and pretty soon the popping begins. You actually get the popcorn smell you expect from popcorn.

So now I have a bowl of popcorn and I can’t resist getting a taste. 

And quite honestly it tasted like plastic. I added salt like I usually do to my popcorn and all of it just went straight to the bottom as nothing was holding the salt onto the popcorn. 
It was disappointing so I wouldn’t actually recommend it.
Although I’m very keen on trying out the Candy floss maker. That should be something.


  1. all popcorn makers do the same thing, the salt doesnt stick to it. i have 1 aswell i got from glomail and it does the exact same thing

  2. so when you find a popcorn maker that actualy makes good popcorn do let me know :)

  3. reminds me of your "why are womens feet smaller than mens" joke...


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