Monday 26 May 2014


So here's something for you people that are hell-bent on being judgemental all the time. So yes tonight is Leila'tul Mehraaj, one of the most auspicious nights for the Islamic religion, where you ask people forgiveness for all the wrong you have done,and anybody that you may have wronged knowingly or unknowingly. & one of the reasons for this special night, is also an indication that the month of Ramadaan will soon begin. And yes most of the muslim people who you see drink,party, go clubbing, pop mollys,and like going bos, but one noma they don't eat pork mybru, they dala whatever,but hos, no pork.All of them will start to seem more pious, more holy and more humble,during the month of Ramadaan. All the girls that post pictures of themselves half-naked,will now be taking pictures in Hijaab, and look very Masha'Allah. And everyone is going to make status about how all the muslims that party,and take half-naked pictures are soema Pious now and acting all religious. And we know this,because year in and year out the same things happen. & you know what? Its just the way things are? & maybe some people are not doing it for the right reasons, but I say as long as they have respect for the holy month,and if for atleast one month they become more pious, it will not be a month wasted. It is possible that while they're 'trying' to be religious,only good can come of it right? & yes after labarang people are going to drink again,party again,pop mollys,and possibly be crazier than before. And we already know this right? So to everyone that has something negative to say, or want to bad-mouth, some muslims for 'Soema' being religious,was nou die ander dag Live inni Concept met a klom tequila shots en n skirt wat haar julle hol wys, nou's hulle jul wat Religious en toe gesteek. LOL trust me we've heard it all before & I gaurantee we will hear it again. But I say aslong as the muslims have respect for this holy month of Ramadaan,then atleast they will have accomplished something good. Thank You & GoodNight

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