Saturday 17 May 2014

Fat Disney Princess

Before you read this article please do yourself a favor and Google-image 'Fat Disney Princess'.
Look at how miserable they all look. What? Why?

Being a "huge" Disney fan I can relate to how its given me unrealistic expectations on beauty, the way life is suppose to be...and well men. Or at least my idea of the perfect man has greatly been influenced since childhood. I could go on the Illuminati band wagon and say that everything I am today is because of subliminal messaging(and it is) but that's a completely different post altogether.

So why then do we not have a plus size princess as yet? Disney promotes diversity. Recently after watching The Princess and The frog we witnessed our very first Black Princess. And what a success that was.
Jewel Moore, the organiser of a petiton in favor of having a plus size princess beautifully states :
"Studies show that a child's confidence correlates greatly with how much representation they have in the media. It's extremely difficult to find a positive representation of plus-size females in the media. If Disney could make a plus-size female protagonist who was as bright, amazing, and memorable as their others, it would do a world of good for those plus-size girls out there who are bombarded with images that make them feel ugly for not fitting the skinny standard."

Being a Plus(and fun) sized princess myself, I would definitely fund that project. Although I may have many insecurities(dont we all?) I love my curves and people love me for who I am. I remember on my matric ball evening a friend of mine said I looked like Belle from Beauty and the Beast...who actually inspired my dress itself and is my favourite princess.It really made me feel extremely beautiful. Why do we feel the need to conform to society and let the media determine what beauty is. A moment that really hit me was when a friend of mine's daughter told me she couldn't be a princess because she wears glasses. Oh honey, if only you knew how beautiful you really are. Its taken me quite some time to be happy with the way I am (And although im not entirely satified) I believe that we should be focusing more on whats on the inside than the out. A pretty face doesnt always mean a pretty heart.

 To all you girls that feels you dont deserve the princess title because of the way that you look, PLEASE please please go buy yourself a freaken tiara and be the Beautiful princess you know you are. You deserve it.


Thank you for reading. Do leave a comment and let me know what you think. Be sure to leave your blogsites and ill be sure to check them out :)