Monday 26 May 2014


Laytul Meraaj is a special day in our Household. Firstly because my brothers name is Meraaj and secondly because most of our family members contribute towards making  insanely huge pots of Boeber (a kind of porridge) that gets donated to the mosque.

The story of LaylatulMeraaj consists of two major parts. The first part of the story begins with the Prophet Muhammad at the Kabaa in Mecca. He is visited by two archangels who provide him with a mythical winged steed called the Buraq. The Buraq carries the Prophet to the 'Farthest Mosque,' believed by Muslims to be the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerselum, where Muhammad joins past prophets in prayer.
The Prophet then ascends to heaven where he is told by God of the duty for Muslims to pray five times daily (Salah). This second part of the journey is commonly referred to as the Miraj, an Arabic word meaning "ladder."
The events of LaylatulMeraaj are described briefly in chapter 17 of the Quran, which is named "Surah Al-Isra" after the Prophet's ascension to heaven. Many of the details of the story are filled in by hadith, supplemental writings about the life of the Prophet Muhammad.
Today LaylatulMeraaj is observed by Muslims as one of the most important events in the history of Islam. Muslims may attend special prayer services at a mosque, or they may commemorate the holiday privately at home by telling the story to children or reciting special nighttime prayers.

Its been said that today is a day of forgiveness and that now we know that Ramadaan(The month of fasting) is approaching. All day i have been receiving messages from people bombing me with the same impersonal broadcast asking for forgiveness for everything they have said or done willingly or unwillingly. It frustrates me actually because I feel why should I forgive people for things if tomorrow when this holy night is over they are just going to go back to their ways and continue doing the very things that they asked forgiveness for.

I guess we forgive not because people deserve forgiveness But because we deserve peace.

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